Senin, 05 November 2012

Peluang Kerja di FMCG Lokal dan MNC

Apakah Anda baru saja lulus dari perguruan tinggi Anda? Mungkin Anda baru melewati fasa - fasa senang dan bangga saat dapat lulus dari perguruan tinggi Anda, apalagi Anda lulus dengan berbagai prestasi akademik atau prestasi organisasi dan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler lainnya. Sebagian besar mahasiswa yang baru lulus dari perguruan tingginya pasti sudah memiliki rencana dimana mereka akan bekerja dan meniti karirnya setelah lulus. Berbagai bidang pekerjaan dapat menjadi opsi dimana mereka akan meniti karirnya, mulai dari bidang Telekomunikasi, Petrokimia, Asuransi, Management Consulting, Fast Moving Consumer Goods, Telekomunikasi, Dosen / Peneliti / Guru, dan banyak lagi bidang-bidang menarik lainnya.

Kali ini kita akan membahas satu bidang yang relatif menarik dan sedang naik daun saat-saat ini, yaitu bidang Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG). Fast Moving Consumer Goods dapat dibagi menjadi dua bidang fokus, yaitu perusahaan yang fokus ke bidang personal & home care products dan juga perusahaan yang fokus ke bidang food and beverages (F & B). Beberapa hal yang menarik di bidang FMCG ini adalah produk-produknya nyata beredar di pasaran, sering dikonsumsi oleh kita sendiri, keluarga kita, ataupun teman kita sendiri. Pergerakan produk-produk FMCG di pasar yang sangatlah cepat membuat bidang ini banyak disukai oleh berbagai orang karena dinamika tantangannya. Persaingan yang ketat antara satu FMCG dengan FMCG lainnya lewat perang harga, perang diskon, perang promosi / iklan, perang benefit produk, dan kemenarikan packaging menjadi keseharian tantangan bagi pekerja di FMCG. Produk hasil industri FMCG terdiri dari shampo, sabun, deterjen, pasta gigi, popok bayi, pelembab wajah, pencuci wajah, deodoran, susu bubuk / cair, teh, kopi, permen, minuman kaleng / kotak, sereal, snack, coklat, air mineral, air bersoda, mie instan, dan masih banyak lagi.  Beragam peluang kerja terbentang luas di bidang FMCG ini.

Beberapa perusahaan lokal (Indonesia) yang sering menjadi incaran / favorit bagi para lulusan muda generasi Y ini adalah Indofood, Nutrifood, Kalbe, Teh Botol, Garudafood, Lion Wings, Ultrajaya, Orang Tua, Martha Tilaar, Viva Cosmetic, dan Kapal Api. Indofood memiliki kekuatan di bidang mie instan, susu, tepung terigu, snacking, dan bumbu-bumbu masak. Nutrifood terkenal memiliki kekuatan di produk-produknya yang bernutrisi, seperti minuman bernutrisi, susu yang bernutrisi, susu diet, dan produk pemanis minuman. Kalbe menarik dan terkenal karena memiliki range produk yang luas dan bervariasi sekali, serta juga terkenal dengan produk-produk minuman dan snacking yang inovatif. Deretan produk - produk Teh Botol, Garudafood, Lion Wings, Ultrajaya, Orang Tua, Martha Tilaar, Viva Cosmetic, dan Kapal Api juga memiliki brand - brand produk yang kuat dan jadi market leader di Indonesia. Jadi ternyata cukup luas juga ya pilihan-pilihan peluang kerja di FMCG lokal setelah kita melihat deretan nama-nama perusahaan FMCG lokal tersebut

Jikalau kita mencari peluang kerja di FMCG MNC / Multinational Company, maka kita dapat melihat peluang kerja di sederetan perusahaan ini: P&G, Nestle, Unilever, L'oreal, Danone, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Kraft, Heinz, Frisian Flag, Arnott's, KAO, dan masih banyak lagi. Setelah kita telaah-telaah, ternyata perusahaan FMCG tergolong sangat luas dan banyak membuka peluang kerja bagi kita semua para lulusan muda generasi Y. Jadi pilihlah dengan baik pilihan karir Anda dan selamat memilih kawan-kawan.

Note: Terbuka akan masukan / komentar yang konstruktif, serta saran & kritik. Terimakasih.

Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Win The Heart of Customers!

Win The Heart of Customers! Mungkin ini merupakan sebuah frasa simpel dan sedikit klise. Namun, makna dari pesan ini merupakan jantung dan jiwa dari keberhasilan dari banyak organisasi besar dan sukses. Bisnis seringkali sangatlah tough bagi suatu organisasi. Kadangkala kompetisi sangatlah sulit dan keras dengan sejumlah kompetitor yang luar biasa, sangat agresif, dan melakukan investasi yang tidak diprediksi untuk memperoleh market share suatu ladang bisnis. Di balik peperangan yang luar biasa tersebut di market, semuanya kembali kepada brand mana yang dapat merebut hati / heart dari pelanggannya / customer. Hati pelanggan kita dapat di-"rebut" mulai dengan media advertising (iklan televisi, radio, majalah, surat kabar), role model / icon brand tersebut, taste / kualitas produk, kepuasan servis / pelayanan, on shelf availability yang sangat baik, tingkat harga yang kompetitif, campaign brand tersebut (nutrisi, environmental friendly, dll), dan bahkan bisa juga karena packaging produk yang menarik dan juga handal.  

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

The 2nd Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad

The 2nd Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad

In Far East Russian town Vladivostok the 2nd Asian-Pacific Astronomy Olympiad (II APAO) has been held on December 4-11, 2006.

Winners and prizewinners of the Olympiad
I Diploma
    Bang Jeong Hun (Korea, Seoul)
    Efimov Ivan (Far East, Yakutsk)
    Huang Jingcheng (China, Beijing)
    Kim Jeong Woon (Korea, Seoul)
    Ko Wonhe (Korea, Seoul)
II Diploma
    Choi Yang Son (Korea, Seoul)
    Gong Zheng (China, Beijing)
    Han Yueyang (China, Beijing)
    Skripnichenko Pavel (Ural, Ekaterindurg)
    Smolin Anatoly (Siberia, Ulan-Ude)
    Su Zimu (China, Beijing)
    Utama Satriya (Indonesia, Salatiga)
    Wang Jingting (China, Tianjin)
    Yang Yi (China, Hangzhou)
III Diploma
    Afanasev Sergey (Siberia, Ulan-Ude)
    Azimbayev Aztay (Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata)
    Guan Zhenbiao (China, Shenzhen)
    Gulyaev Viktor (Far East, Yakutsk)
    Kazakov Andrew (Siberia, Novosibirsk)
    Lee Dong Kyu (Korea, Seoul)
    Nitiyanant Pisit (Thailand, Bangkok)
    Park Ho Jin (Korea, Seoul)
    Priyatikanto Rhorom (Indonesia, Ungaran)
    Rimbualam, Ivan Hadinata (Indonesia, Jakarta Barat)
    da Silva Lorez V. Gugelberg (Indonesia, Sukoharjo)
    Zhuang Huiqi (China, Beijing) 

The 3rd Thai Astronomy Olympiade (TAO)

Siswa SMAK I, Ivan Hadinata Rimbualam meraih second prize dalam ajang The 3rd Thai Astronomy Olympiade

Ivan Hadinata Rimbualam SMAK 1, berhasil merebut second prize (perak) dalam ajang The 3rd Thai Astronomy Olympiade (TAO) di Walailak University, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Thailand bagian Selatan...
Lihat beritanya di SUARA PEMBARUAN, Selasa 2 Mei 2006.


Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Supply Chain Challenges, Customer Service's Contribution

Most of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Companies are becoming customer driven companies; configure its business based on customer necessity. Customer Service as part of Supply Chain Division in all FMCG Companies has the chance to create direct contact with their customers. Nowadays, it has evolved into more collaborative actions. Most of FMCG Companies must focus on customer collaboration projects more intensively since the competition in all over countries has increased dramatically.

Customer Service Operations are starting with capturing customer order; processing order; validation order; coordination with warehouse team; coordination with financial risk team; coordination with commercial / sales team; coordination with Demand & Supply Planner, and doing claim, return & refusal. It has become amusing works and daily attractive challenges. With these tough competitions with other companies, Customer Service must do these daily works with very fast speed. They also have to think how to reduce their order processing failures, increase their service level to their customers, reduce dispute management in pricing by improving their master data alignment, improve their coordination with other functions, and many other challenges which comes-up everyday.

By reviewing and analyzing these operational activities, there are some main competitive advantages which are really critical for all organizations:
1.       The speed and reliability of order processing system.
2.       Good collaboration with other functions, from Sales/Commercial Team, Warehouse Team, Demand & Supply Planner, and Financial Risk Team.
3.    Implement clear business rules especially with Sales/Commercial Team, so Customer Service can manage the order processing time and method more properly.

Back into customer collaboration projects, nowadays it becomes a special competitive advantage for some companies because they are starting their focus on continuous improvement projects. Innovative ideas become big requirements for all collaborative projects with customers. Continuous improvement projects start from how to reduce delivery lead time, reduction of operational cost, collaboration in order processing system, improving master data alignment, enhancing service level with some projects, and ensuring on shelf availability in customer’s stores.

Quite different with above operational activities, these collaboration improvement projects really need these important things to be considered:
1.   Trustworthy with their customers, which will be very critical for doing customer collaboration projects.
2.         Win-win business visions and goals
3.         Companies have become top suppliers for the customers.

By focusing on those critical points, company can drive the performance of their supply chain management significantly within a short period.  Moreover, business system and customer relationship are the most important keys for winning this tough business competition.

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Regional Future Energy Challenge 2013

Regional Future Energy Challenge 2013

As the successor of Indonesia's first and oldest national chemical engineering competition locally known as Lomba Rancang Pabrik Tingkat Nasional, Regional Future Energy Challenge (RFEC) 2013 is an event held by Institut Teknologi Bandung Chemical Engineering Students Association to challenge people to work on solving the global issues of energy source.

The event is going to be the biggest Chemical Engineering event in Indonesia, involving students, practitioners, and academicians. Focusing on the energy issue, we invite participants from Southeast Asia and neighboring countries to join our spirit to solve this complex yet exciting issue.

With this, we would like to invite those of you who share the same vision with us to participate in this event.

The main event of all series of event will be the plant design competition. In the competition, you will be challenged to build an efficient plant with effective process to help solving the big energy issue.

The series of supporting events consist of Seminar about Energy Resource with guests from experts in different areas of energy fields, workshop on plant designing, and poster competition.

Creating A Better Future
Regional Future Energy Challenge 2013 

Original reference: and

Senin, 18 Juni 2012

FMCG World

Dunia FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) bukan merupakan dunia pekerjaan pertama yang saya alami. Saya pernah mengalami bekerja dengan perusahaan Oil & Gas Service Company, Perusahaan Pupuk, dan Perusahaan Semen. Dunia FMCG terlihat sangat menarik buat saya saat ini, apalagi di dalam bidang Supply Chain dan Marketing. Saya selalu kagum akan brand-brand terkenal dan mahal yang berhasil dibangun oleh perusahaan-perusahaan besar FMCG, seperti Nestle, P&G, Unilever, Danone, Kraft, Coca Cola, Heinz ABC, dan Pepsi. Saat saya pergi ke Hypermart, Supermarket, atau Minimarket, saya sering melihat-lihat produk mereka, dan membandingkan satu sama lain, serta melihat kompetitornya secara head to head. Saya suka melihat iklan-iklan mereka di TV, Radio, dan majalah / koran. Saya juga sering mencari tahu mengenai perbandingan sisi Supply Chain Management antara perusahaan yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Sejujurnya bidang ini sangatlah menarik karena kompetisinya lumayan "tough" karena jumlah kompetitor yang banyak, dinamikanya sangat tinggi, dan butuh perjuangan keras untuk saling berebut market share di bidang yang sama dengan biaya yang seefisien mungkin. Saya juga kagum akan beberapa perusahaan FMCG lokal seperti Nutrifood, Kalbe, Orang Tua, Sosro, GarudaFood, dan Indofood. Mereka menjadi pesaing tangguh dalam bidang FMCG Food & Beverages.

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Supply Chain World

Ketika Anda membeli sekotak susu buku di sebuah supermarket, apakah Anda pernah memikirkan bagaimana produk tersebut dapat tersedia dengan kualitas / tingkat freshness terbaik di rak yang semenarik itu yang berada di dalam supermarket tersebut? Apakah Anda tahu hal tersebut merupakan peranan besar seorang pakar / ahli Supply Chain.

Pertanyaan ini sering terlintas di pikiran saya sebagai Junior Supply Chain Specialist sehingga menjadi motivasi tersendiri saya untuk berjuang di dunia Supply Chain yang baru bagi saya dan menarik bagi saya, apalagi berada di dunia FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods).

Tugas Supply Chain sangatlah luas dan hampir mencakup 60-70% dari keseluruhan end-to-end value chain suatu produk (SKU). Tugasnya mulai dari bagaimana mensuplai produk yang sangat banyak, baik dalam bentuk makanan, minuman, shampo, sikat gigi, pasta gigi, sabun, deterjen, pelengkap bumbu masak, dan masih banyak lagi. Barang-barang tersebut harus disuplai ke berbagai pelosok negara Indonesia yang merupakan negara kepulauan dengan kondisi infrastruktur yang menantang tentunya karena relatif kompleks. Selain memikirkan bagaimana cara mensuplai produk yang sangat beragam tersebut, seorang ahli Supply Chain harus memikirkan cara menyuplainya agar tidak mengalami kerusakan, kehilangan di transportasi/gudang, atau kesalahan pengiriman. Kemudian, bagaimana meningkat service level ke segala customer / pelanggannya di seluruh Indonesia merupakan tantangan tersendiri yang sangat menarik. Bukan hanya itu saja, Supply Chain Specialist harus memastikan on shelf availability di rak-rak customer-nya agar selalu tersedia saat ingin dibeli shopper / consumer, mengurangi segala waste yang ada disepanjang value chain yang disebabkan oleh bagian peranan Supply Chain (misalnya mempersingkat proses order to cash, mempersingkat waktu pengiriman / delivery, dll). Memastikan produk-produknya berada pada kondisi stock yang optimal dan mengoptimalkan stategi distribusinya juga merupakan challenge terbesar bagi seorang Supply Chain Specialist. Tujuan utama dari Supply Chain adalah memastikan pelanggan memperoleh produk yang diinginkan dengan waktu yang tepat, kuantitas/jumlah yang tepat, di lokasi yang tepat, dan pada saat kualitas / tingkat freshness yang tertinggi / terbaik, namun tentunya harus dengan ongkos / biaya yang paling optimal. 

Begitulah kira-kira tugas berat dan menantang seorang Supply Chain Specialist. Bagi yang ingin menambahkan silahkan saja ya! Siapa tahu ada seorang Supply Chain Specialist yang lebih berpengalaman daripada saya :) Saya terus belajar dan belajar, serta tentunya tidak lupa untuk sharing-sharing ke kalian semua :)

Salam hangat,

Minggu, 29 April 2012


Wanna prove that positivism can change this world :)
Hopefully my dream will be come true..

Sabtu, 28 April 2012

How come I am able to write this statement? :)

When you buy a box of milk powder at a supermarket, do you ever think how that product can be available with the highest quality on an attractive shelf? Do you know it’s the part of Supply Chain?

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Greate Statement from Toyota Way

All we are doing is looking at the time line from the moment the customer gives us an order to the point when we collect the cash. And we are reducing that time line by removing the non-value-added wastes. (Ohno, 1988).

Saya tidak tahu seberapa banyak orang / organisasi / perusahaan di dunia ini yang memikirkan bagaimana caranya mempercepat proses End-to-End mulai dari saat customer memberikan ordernya sampai saat suatu perusahaan / organisasi dapat mengumpulkan seluruh uang pembayaran bagi pengiriman barangnya. Saya tidak tahu juga seberapa banyak orang berjuang di dunia manufaktur dan ingin membuat organisasinya menuju lean enterprise. Namun satu hal, saya semakin tertarik akan dunia ini dan ingin terus belajar dan belajar lagi :)

Thanks God! :)

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

Catatan Tim YLIAC - Feb 2012

Hi YLI Fellas!

We as YLI AC project team very excited to share to you the updates of our social project in RW.06 Kampung Rawa, Johar Baru. To refresh your memory, in previous bulletin, we have updated you with our activity on helping mothers in Kelurahan Kampung Rawa, Johar Baru to achieve extra income by giving them training to make accessory handicraft. This activity has gain some positive feedback from the mothers of Kampung Rawa, as it helps mothers to improve their mothly income by selling the accessory.However, we as YLI AC Project team always review our work, as well as what impact it gives to the community.

In order to do that, we decide to conduct a focus group discussion with the mothers of Kampung Rawa at January, 15th 2012 to get more feedback, measure impacts and identifying the main problem to solve. From the discussion, we recognize that the problem of Kampung Rawa is actualy is like an infinite loop: Low education level (most of them only elementary school graduates), cause the difficulties for them to get an adequate job, which leads to high unemployment rate. The high unemployment rate, in turns, will cause many other problem, such as low income, health problem, housing and sanitation problem, and finally it cause them unable to afford higher education for their childern.

We decided to go deep down to the root of this problem and find out what we can do to cut the loop and make a better life for the people in Kampung Rawa.

What we have done

To better understand the main problem, we conducted a sharing and discussion session with Mas Agus at January, 20th. From the discussion, we found out that the unemployment problem is occurs on the productive ages of youth in Kampung Rawa. We also got the information that due to low education level, they found difficulties to find a sufficent job, and some of them only do a temporary job like being mason, builder, or ojek driver.

From this information, our team discuss our findings deeper and decided to focus on reducing the unemployment rate of youth in Kampung Rawa. We believe by giving them suitable job, it will support their economy, and in turns will cut the problem loop in Kampung Rawa. To get more knowledge regarding the suitable job,on the third week of February, we conducted a survey to the youth of Kampung Rawa, to find out their ablility, characters, experience, and their expectation of the job they want.

Besides understanding the demands, we also trying to get the supply of both training and job opportunities. We already establish a good relationship with Bapak Wagiyanto, who in charge of BLK (Balai Latihan Kerja) and BKK (Bursa Kerja Khusus) of Central Jakarta. We have a discussion related to the activities of BLK and BKK, as well as problems faced by the association, and expected assistance from YLI AC. From the discussion, we identify the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats), as well as the main problem faced by the association. From this information, we refine our plan and proposed solution to the youth of Kampung Rawa.

Combining our knowledge of the problem in Kampung Rawa with the information we got from BLK and BKK, we define our new activities into three focus:

1. Leverage the BLK and BKK as the job enabler for youth in Kampung Rawa. We plan to do it by Increase human resources by mainly offfering YLI alumnis’ expertise (especially in project team) to strategize BKK’s vision and mission (2) help BKK in actions plans such as reviewing, redesigning (if needed) and updating information.

2. Increase soft skills in BLK participants especially for the youth of Kampung Rawa. Currently, we were thinking to give them soft skills in:

· Manner : Possible ways include (a) Appearance and manner class (b) counseling one-on-one (c) Provide guidebooks & manuals

· Motivational: Possible ways include (a) Conducting motivation training (b) counseling one-on-one with YLI alumnis

· Administrative: (a) Conducting administrative classes (b) provide guidebooks & manuals (c) create one-time workshops

3. As we found that BLK and BKK’s job information system is not adequate enough to reach the alumnis and future employers, we were also thinking whether we can do something to increase the reach of information, so it can be accessed easily by those who need

We are so excited with our new activities, as we believe, if we can solve the unemployment in Kampung Rawa, the model can be scaled to greater area, and in turns it will solve unemployment problems in Jakarta, or even Indonesia as a whole.

What we will do next?

To accomplish our goal on the project, our next plans are:

- Organize a more comprehensive survey, to get the data from all RT in RW 06 Kampung Rawa. As we know, there’s 10 RTs in Kampung rawa, so we planned to do two times survey, each covering 5 RT, and prioritizing on RT with higher unemplyment rate.

- We will conduct further discussion with BLK and BKK, to find out what exactly we can do to leverage the organization as the job enabler for people in Jakarta, and finding a secondary information to support our understanding the actual condition of the association.

- We will also ensure sustainability our former activities –handicraft making training– will be contionued, even if we discontinue the support. We will ensure the training has completed and the mothers are gaining more skills as well as understanding the business model, so they can continue getting extra income from the handicraft. Our team will help to sell all the products that already made, and all the profits will be given back buy more materials and continue the activity.

We hope you’re also feel the excitement that we feel on this project. So if you have ideas, recommendation, or time to spend to help us in site visit in Kampung Rawa, please do not hesitate to let us know!

We are one step closer to UNLEASH INDONESIA! :)

Writer: Akhmad Rahadian Hutomo

Catatan Tim YLIAC - Dec 2011

HELLO! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! J May He bless all of our plans in the upcoming year, 2012. May this year become LEGENDARY! :D


Community development is about building peoples and its surroundings, but most importantly, a constant effort to establish communication with people. Johar Baru -RW 06, an urban enclave located at the heart of Jakarta perishes in the typical poor urban pocket of the capital. Here, in RW 06, The YLI Alumni Project team for Community Development in Johar Baru is delighted to reach out our hands and mold a change for the people, especially the mothers.

During the project planning, we figured that dealing with people comes best (and challenging) when we always on the run to adjust for changes. Since we are still at the stage of the project set-up, the initial plan to set-up a tofu nugget-soya milk small household enterprises should be altered into something – that we have overseen- as more suitable with the needs and the condition of the people. Having considered the interests, needs, prospect of the Mothers, we came up with the idea of trying out handycrafts training for the Mothers.

Beads-based handycraft was chosen because the Mothers have the existing interest to learn more about it and have developed a small group to develop the skills. We came to facilitate them with training, for product quality development. On November 13, we invited Mrs. Ida, who has been experienced with training and community development for poor urban areas.

The training itself comprised of the basic skills of arranging the beads into a ready-to-wear items such as bracelets, necklaces, keychain. We saw a huge excitement comes from the Mothers during the training and... VOILA! They did it quite well (according to Mrs. Ida), and she also told us that they had enough basic skills to make this business come true. From the first training, each of the The Mothers got a kind of investments, such as 2 kinds of pliers and some of raw materials (beads and strings).

Well, back to topic. After the first training, we sent additional raw materials for them so they can make more handycrafts in order to train themselves. According to Mrs. Ida who already saw the products and know how the Mothers made it, she said that they still don’t know how to make things gently so the coating on the beads are damaged. Second, basically the raw materials we bought are the one that Mrs. Ida provided for us and she admitted that the quality is not the best. From our assessment, the Mothers of Johar Baru still need to improve the quality and the look of the products, therefore a constant learning process is recommended. Here are some of the products they have made:

Seeing these conditions, we managed to redo some of the products they’ve made so we can get the raw materials again and process it to better products in the future. This action is taken because we want to set a high standard for the product in order to make us easily accepted in the market and successful in the future.

Last but not least, we are thinking of selling this products with a brand. This brand will come to market with “accessories for working chic” as its main positioning and “helping others in Johar Baru by buying this products” as its secondary positioning. We will make these two as our positioning in the market. Moreover, we are thinking of naming it as Bella Donna. It is Italian, means beautiful women. Do you guys have any better idea regarding our brand’s name? J FYI, since we want to make accessories, we will exclude key chain from our list of products.


We will be just their investor and fasilitator in the beginning. After they gain profit from this business, they will pay us back every month (profit sharing). It will be done this way, IF and only if we don’t get any sponsor for this project. But if we get one, basically they will pay for all of our financial needs or else, we will inform you later on. And in order to reach this goal, we need to transfer our knowledge so that they can be independent in the near future.


To achieve the main target which are making good quality and standardized products, each of our divisions come up with their main target as well:

  • PRODUCTION: Standardized the products, giving and sharing knowledge about technical stuffs in making jewellery made of beads and also about fashion trends (color, shape, designs), and making production plan (collaborating with Marketing Team)
  • MARKETING: Done with market research in immediate period regarding target consumer’s taste and behavior in buying accessories, making a GREAT marketing team (still needs 1 or 2 more personels, anyone? J), establishing a marketing plan for a year (STP, 4P, and market penetration strategy), and demand and sales target management (collaborating with Production Team).
  • FINANCE: Earning sponsorship proposal (for our funding) and of course finding the right partner for this social project!

Last but not least, I just want to say that this team is only a representative and we are nothing without all of your inputs, comments, and of course your support!

Writer: Stephanie Octavia