Jumat, 17 September 2010

Forum 3 Young Leaders for Indonesia


Forum 3 Young Leaders for Indonesia diadakan pada 24-25 Juli 2010 di Hotel Four Seasons Jakarta. Agenda forum 3 YLI terdiri dari :
1. How leaders can make a difference : Pak Teddy Rachmat dan Pak Ahmad Faisal
2. Breakthrough Leadership Project (BLP) Presentation
3. Community of change breakout session : Bu Amanda Katili Niode
4. How to deal with conflict of interest
5. How to make change happen
6. Dinner for special surprise and farewell
7. How to lead change as young leaders in organization : Pak Ananda Siregar dan Pak Firmanzah
8. Tips and trick on CV writing
9. Tips and trick on interview
10. Opportunity gallery walk for more than 15 big companies; like Job Expo
11. Next steps for YLI Alumni

Farewell and Graduation for YLI 2nd wave ;p

Great experience ;p
Really inspiring moments and great workshop !

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