Rabu, 22 September 2010

Launching Website LRPTN XII

Memperkenalkan website www.lrptn.com sebagai sumber informasi bagi acara Lomba rancang Pabrik Tingkat Nasional.

Sekilas mengenai LRPTN (Source: www.lrptn.com)

Perkembangan industri kimia saat ini tidak lepas dari kemampuan dan kreativitas para insinyurnya, yang selalu memberikan ide-ide baru sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat. Kecakapan seorang insinyur tentunya tidak diperoleh secara instan, namun perlu dibentuk semenjak duduk di bangku kuliah. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan kreativitas para calon insinyur teknik kimia, Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia (HIMATEK) ITB bekerjasama dengan Program Studi Teknik Kimia ITB mengadakan Lomba Rancang Pabrik Tingkat Nasional (LRPTN). LRPTN merupakan sebuah kompetisi rancang pabrik yang mengangkat tema-tema yang berkaitan dengan isu-isu aktual dalam dunia industri. Sampai sekarang, LRPTN telah berhasil diselenggarakan sebanyak 11 kali sejak tahun 1996.

LRPTN yang pertama kali diadakan diikuti oleh 8 kelompok peserta dari berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia dengan dewan juri terpillih, yang memiliki kompetensi dalam menilai rancangan suatu pabrik dari sudut pandang keilmuan, khususnya Teknik Kimia. Rangkaian acara LRPTN diisi oleh pembicara-pembicara yang secara khusus diundang untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman menarik mereka berkaitan dengan tema dari tiap LRPTN. Semenjak LRPTN IV pada tahun 2000, kompetisi ini dikategorikan menjadi 2, yaitu kategori perancangan pabrik dan problem solving. Kategori perancangan pabrik ini dilombakan dengan pembatasan berdasarkan subtema utama dari LRPTN, sedangkan untuk kategori problem solving dilombakan untuk memfasilitasi ide-ide solutif dan inovatif dari mahasiswa dalam memecahkan masalah nyata yang sedang terjadi dalam suatu pabrik tertentu.

Selanjutnya, pada LRPTN V yang diselenggarakan pada tahun 2001, kategori LRPTN diubah menjadi 3 kategori, yaitu Lomba Rancang Pabrik Kategori A, Lomba Rancang Pabrik Kategori B, dan problem solving. “ Format kompetisi LRPTN dengan 3 kategori tersebut dianggap mampu memfasilitasi ide-ide solutif dan inovatif dari mahasiswa sehingga penyelenggaraan LRPTN berikutnya, mulai dari LRPTN VII hingga LRPTN XI mengikuti format yang hampir sama dengan LRPTN V. Banyak pihak memandang LRPTN merupakan suatu kegiatan yang memberi dampak positif bagi perkembangan mahasiswa Teknik Kimia di Indonesia dalam meningkatkan kemampuan aplikatif mahasiswa dalam melakukan suatu pra rancangan pabrik. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan jumlah peserta yang turut bergabung untuk mengikuti LRPTN ini tiap tahunnya.

Penyelenggaraan LRPTN diharapkan dapat menjadi suatu wadah berkarya bagi mahasiswa se-Indonesia dalam lingkup keilmuan Teknik Kimia. Selain itu, LRPTN ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan kontribusi nyata bagi perkembangan industri nasional.

Selasa, 21 September 2010

The Best Age To Marry

Marriage is an important issue that every person will face it in their life, whether he/she want to marry at his/her younger age or older age. Every person choose their priority for these options. So, what age will be the best age to marry? How about your opinion? We can consider the best age to marry from many aspects. We will discuss in here about what aspect do we have to consider to know what age will be the best age to marry with our couple.

There are 3 main basic aspects, what age will be the best age to marry for us. Education is the first aspect to consider it. Low education people will prefer to get married at <> 25 years old. Higher education will encourage people to consider their carrier first before marry someone. They will focus on their job during their young age. The second aspect is financial status. Someone who has rich family or have a good financial status because of his/her good job will be easy to get married because they have the money for supportting their new family. But, they didn’t tend to marry at too young ages because of they also consider their jobs first. It cause people who have good financial status will consider to marry at 16-25 years old. In the other sides, people who have lower financial status will prefer to marry at upper than 25 years old. The last consideration is come from psychology views. Psychology (maturity) will effect the choosing for the best age to marry. Mostly, people like to marry his/her couple at their maturity ages. So they prefer to marry at 16-25 years or more again at > 25 years old. It’s because of maturity will make a good relationship for new couple.

So there is three aspects to consider what age will be the best age for marrying someone. These three main aspects is related each other, so every kind of people who has different background will have their own perception for this issue. I believe it’s not what the best, but what’s the most suitable condition to face these conditions. Every people have their own priority and their assumption for the best age to marry. But I can say, mostly people prefer to marry at 16-25 years old. Because it will acommodate the maturity psychology, financial, and education aspects.


LRPTN XII is organized as stepping stone for academician and practical of chemical engineering to effuse ideas and thoughts in developing chemical industry which is based on Indonesia natural resources to increase the endurance of national food and energy sectors. Utilization of “Indonesia natural resources” phrase shows that raw material used in plant design comes from natural resources which are spread of Indonesia. Indonesia has many potential natural resources that have not been exploited well, so by organizing LRPTN XII can give innovative ideas that are given shape in plant design. In addition, those plant designs is hoped to be able used in fulfilling food and energy in every Indonesia region. Food and energy fulfillment which have been guaranteed is hoped to increase the endurance of national food and energy.
LRPTN XII is hoped to produce innovative ideas about utilizing Indonesia natural resources optimally without forgetting local wisdom as effort to increase national food and energy, and also as mover of Indonesia industry. Finally LRPTN XII is hoped as stepping stone for Indonesia industry development to make autonomous Indonesia.

Sabtu, 18 September 2010

Young Leaders for Indonesia (YLI) Kampus (3rd Wave)

Dear all,

This posting is dedicated for you as potential candidates for Young Leaders for Indonesia (YLI) Kampus Program (3rd Wave)

YLI Kampus Program is a comprehensive program for potential students to inspire them with a vision for how they can make a difference to Indonesia by 2020.

If you expect to get leadership training and networking, but sorry : YLI give you more ! YLI give
s you many things to develop you as a great leader for Indonesia, such as project, coaching, expanding your network, creating your aspiration and vision, developing your team work, and learning “face to face” from great leaders in Indonesia.

YLI wave 2 alumni have meet many great leaders, such as : President Director Holcim Indonesia (Pak Eamon Ginley), President Director McKinsey Jakarta Office (Pak Benjamin Soemartopo), Bapak Anies Baswedan, Butet Manurung, Pak Gita Wirjawan, Pak Teddy Rachmat, Pak Ahmad Faisal, Pak Ananda Siregar, Pak Firmanzah, Pak Sandiaga Uno, Pak Dr. Dino Patti Djalal (Indonesian Ambassador to the United States), and meet the representative of many top companies, such as TransTV, Blitz Megaplex, Holcim Indonesia, LG, Bank Danamon, Ernst& Young, P&G, Pertamina, Astra Internasional, Telkomsel, and many great leaders & top companies in Indonesia again.

If you don’t know them yet, just search on Google and find to know them closer! They produce inspirations trough their stories, wisdoms, experiences, and life chosen. They prepare you as a young leader to face Indonesia 10 until 20 years again with capability and great networking. YLI
helps us to create our inspiration, vision, and passion to unleash Indonesia become a great country in the future.

YLI Kampus Program provides leadership training and execution, inspirations from Indonesia Young Leaders and high performing students across Indonesia, coaching from
prominent leaders, materials needed, broaden network consist of education, business, and government, communities, even excellent services.

Besides, YLI Kampus Program provides you somekind of project to develop your aspiration, vision, and your capability.

"Last project that my team did was improving the current warehouse performance of a leading company in cement industry by helping to develop its warehouse management tools" . My focus in Climate Change issue also gave me a chance to bring my project in Eco Chemical Engineering.

We believe there are more stories we can share to you guys
This information is dedicated for you as potential candidates for Young Leaders for Indonesia (YLI) Kampus Program

We need young leaders in Indonesia again, and maybe it’s YOU !

Yes, we want YOU to have the same experiences like us!! I believe you have these 3 criterias : excellent academic score (GPA > 3.3), demonstrated leadership, and passionate to bring Indonesia for better change.

YLI Kampus is a professional development program for high performing university students. The application for YLI Kampus 2011 is open from now until November 7, 2010. To apply for the program, you will need to submit 2 documents: 1 page CV and an essay of your leadership experience (max. 500 words), both are in English.

If you want to know more about the program, please send email to YLI_VTR@mckinsey.com with subject "Request for YLI Kampus Socialization Pack".

PS : More info about the program and the socialization pack can be downloaded in the following link :D


For detail information, please drop mail to :

Ivan Hadinata Rimbualam (ivan_astro_hadinata@yahoo.co.id)

Best wishes,


YLI Alumni

Jumat, 17 September 2010

Young Leaders for Indonesia (YLI) Kampus Wave 3 is now open !!

Do you have a vision of your future?

Are you a high achiever?

Are you passionate about developing Indonesia?

Are you a future leader of Indonesia?

YLI Kampus is a professional development program for high performing university students. The application for YLI Kampus 2011 is open from now until November 7, 2010. To apply for the program, you will need to submit 2 documents: 1 page CV and an essay of your leadership experience (max. 500 words), both are in English.

If you want to know more about the program, please send email to YLI_VTR@mckinsey.com with subject "Request for YLI Kampus Socialization Pack".


YLI Alumni

PS : More info about the program and the socialization pack can be downloaded in the following link :D


Forum 3 Young Leaders for Indonesia


Forum 3 Young Leaders for Indonesia diadakan pada 24-25 Juli 2010 di Hotel Four Seasons Jakarta. Agenda forum 3 YLI terdiri dari :
1. How leaders can make a difference : Pak Teddy Rachmat dan Pak Ahmad Faisal
2. Breakthrough Leadership Project (BLP) Presentation
3. Community of change breakout session : Bu Amanda Katili Niode
4. How to deal with conflict of interest
5. How to make change happen
6. Dinner for special surprise and farewell
7. How to lead change as young leaders in organization : Pak Ananda Siregar dan Pak Firmanzah
8. Tips and trick on CV writing
9. Tips and trick on interview
10. Opportunity gallery walk for more than 15 big companies; like Job Expo
11. Next steps for YLI Alumni

Farewell and Graduation for YLI 2nd wave ;p

Great experience ;p
Really inspiring moments and great workshop !

Minggu, 12 September 2010

Roadshow Lomba Rancang Pabrik Tingkat Nasional (LRPTN) XII

Roadshow Lomba Rancang Pabrik Tingkat Nasional (LRPTN) XII direncanakan dilakukan pada 27 September - 8 Oktober 2010 di 7 kota, bahkan mungkin 8 kota. Panitia LRPTN XII HIMATEK ITB akan melakukan kunjungan roadshow ke Depok (Jakarta), Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, DIY Jogjakarta, Palembang, dan Medan. Bahkan mungkin saja LRPTN XII akan bergabung dalam Rakornas BKKMTKI di UNS Solo saat 11 Oktober 2010.

Panitia LRPTN XII dalam melakukan roadshow LRPTN XII di masing-masing kota akan mengirimkan masing-masing 2 dutanya yang berasal dari panitia bidang pendaftaran dan panitia bidang materi. Kedatangan panitia diharapkan dapat mewadahi segala bentuk pertanyaan dari para calon peserta LRPTN XII dari berbagai universitas di Indonesia.

Roadshow LRPTN XII diadakan karena adanya kebutuhan untuk mensosialisasikan acara LRPTN XII secara langsung, menarik, dan interaktif kepada mahasiswa-mahasiswa Teknik Kimia di Indonesia. Sosialisasi dengan roadshow diharapkan akan menarik minat mahasiswa Teknik Kimia se-Indonesia untuk berkompetisi di LRPTN XII.

Agenda Roadshow LRPTN XII secara umum adalah penjelasan tema & kategori kompetisi nasional LRPTN XII, penjelasan syarat peserta & prosedur pendaftaran LRPTN XII, dan tanya jawab antara mahasiswa universitas yang dituju dengan panitia.

Semoga Roadshow LRPTN XII berjalan lancar dan semakin memperluas informasi kompetisi LRPTN XII.

Berikut para pemenang LRPTN XI 2010, kompetisi sebelum LRPTN XII :

Kategori A:

Juara 1

Pabrik Pine Oil dari Minyak Terpentin

Oleh : Giffi Abdurrahman, Riska SuciM., Cinta Dwi W (Institut Teknologi Nasional)

Juara 2

Pabrik Pektin dari kulit jeruk bali dengan kapasitas 500 ton/tahun

Oleh Rais Agung Wibowo, yovita Anggraeni P., Inga Resa R. (universitas Gajah Mada)

Juara 3

Pabrik Gula Isomaltulosa Berbahan Baku Nira Nipah dari Kabupaten Bone Sulawesi Selatan
Oleh : Hanny, Nuny Nurhafny, M. Fira Fitriana (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Kategori B

Juara 1
Pabrik Regenerasi Limbah Bleaching Earth dari Pabrik Minyak Goreng
Oleh : Nugraha Yohanes Arifpin, Karina Natasia, Gunawan (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Juara 2
Perancangan Pabrik Garam Industri Berkapasitas 500.000 Ton/tahun
Oleh : Enrico Meidensha Janior, Khasin Fuadi, Nazrul Munir (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Juara 3
Pabrik Keramik Granito
Oleh : Aria Hayuning P, Yollan Dana O, Fatmasari (Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta)

Kategori C

Juara 1
No Modification
Oleh : Agung Nur Hananto Putro, Zulfahmi (unifersitas Diponegoro)
Juara 2
Insulation Replacement
Oleh : Harianto, Yoppy Prasetya (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Juara 3
CO2 Refrigerant
Oleh : Johan Adiguna, Edwin Wibisono (Institut Teknologi Bandung)

Berikut foto Roadshow LRPTN XI di ITS Surabaya tahun lalu :

Link terkait :
