Senin, 24 Mei 2010

Design and Test of U-Type Reverse Flow Reactor to Prevent Methane Slip


"Design and Test of U-Type Reverse Flow Reactor to Prevent Methane Slip"

Group B.0910.3.33

Ivan Hadinata Rimbualam (13007028) and Junior Setiawan (13007054)

Dr. Yogi Wibisono Budhi
Dr. Yazid Bindar


Methane is one of the greenhouse gases that has the global warming effect of 23 times higher than that of CO2. To reduce the harmness of methane, it is necessary to convert the methane into CO2. Converting methane into CO2 may reduce the global warming effect up to 87%. The typical methane emission has a low concentration (0,1–1%-v). Moreover, the methane oxidation only gives the adiabatic temperature rise about 200 – 300oC, which is not enough to activate the catalyst when the temperature of the feed gas is at ambient. Therefore, we should find another way to create an autothermal condition.

The lean methane may be oxidized in a reverse flow reactor (RFR), which may exclude the preheater. In addition, the heat produced from the reaction can be trapped as thermal energy. But on the other side, the conventional RFR can cause the methane slip, which occurs when the fresh feed inside the inert compartment is replenished by the feed gas entering the reactor from opposite direction at every switching time.

The aim of this research is to design a new RFR configuration to prevent the methane slip. Moreover, the effect of the reactor dimension and switching time on the methane conversion will be taken into consideration. This research is divided into two stages. The first stage is to design the new RFR configuration and the reactor’s dimension based on the design parameters. The second stage is to operate the new RFR to evaluate its performance and to obtain the optimum operating condition for oxidizing lean methane. The research method includes the design of RFR by considering design criteria, the experiment of methane oxidation in the RFR by varying switching time and inert length. The concentration of the feed gas and products are measured using Gas Chromatography, while the temperatures along the bed are measured using K-type thermocouple. Data interpretation to analyze the sample will be divided into analysis of reaction conversion, analysis of temperature along the bed, and analysis of the heat, generated from the RFR system.

Keywords: autothermal reaction, dynamic reactor, methane oxidation, switching time

Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Mulailah dengan Budaya. Think Globally, Act Locally. Jaga kebersihan lingkungan Anda!!

Akhir Eco Chemical Engineering program

Mulailah dengan Budaya. Think Globally, Act Locally. Jaga kebersihan lingkungan Anda!!

Mahasiswa Teknik Kimia semuanya, teman2ku mari memulai membuang sampah di tempat yang tepat, mulai mengurangi sampah produksi anda masing-masing, mulai saling mengingatkan, mulai dengan hal-hal kecil, mulailah jaga kebersihan di Labtek X dan HIMATEK ITB.

Jangan sia2kan perjuangan kami semuanya selama 3 bulan

Mulai dari diri Anda, tularkan ke teman Anda, dan pengaruhi dunia ini dengan karya nyata anda

Terimakasih utk yang telah membeli tas baGoes GI .Mulai gunakan utk ngurangi plastik ya
Keuntungannya telah digunakan membeli 100 gelas utk HIMATEK. Tolong dijaga gelas-gelasnya dan mulai digunakan utk mengurangi sampah gelas. Mulai gunakan piring HIMATEK utk mengurangi sampah makanan.

Mulai gunakan dispenser dari Bu Mel (FTI) utk ngurangi sampah gelas dan botol. Terimakasih juga buat Bu Mel telah memberikan tempat wadah utk menaruh piring2 HIMATEK.

Terimakasih utk Prodi TK yang sangat membantu kami tim Eco Chemical Engineering 3 bulan ini utk segala sosialisasi dan turut sertanya dalam poster2 di Labtek X walau masih banyak jelek2nya karya kami ini

Terimakasih ke massa HIMATEK atas perhatiannya dan dukungannya

Terimakasih Kepada Pak Yogi dan dosen2 lainnya yang sudah mulai membolehkan kertas reuse digunakan utk Penelitian, dan banyak lagi.

Terimakasih utk segala pihak seperti Greeneration Indonesia, Ganesha Hijau KM ITB, dan pihak lainnya yang telah banyak membantu kami utk menjalankan visi misi kami

Eco Che bukan sebuah organisasi, bukan sebuah tim, NAMUN budaya kita masing2

Ivan Hadinata

Tim Eco Che :
Yuliani Arlina, Marilyn, Marvelna Vidicia, Flabianus Hardi, Rian Aditiana, Budiman Santoso, Anissa Nurdiawati, Maria Anindita Nauli dan Ivan Hadinata Rimbualam

Forum 2 Young Leaders for Indonesia

Forum 2 Young Leaders for Indonesia tanggal 17-18 April 2010 diadakan di Hotel Sultan Jakarta. Sebuah pengalaman leadership training yang memukau dan sangat menginspirasi jiwa muda kami sebagai Young Leaders untuk Indonesia tercinta.

Agenda Forum 2 YLI adalah :
1. Using safety to lead change and unite people
2. How teamwork matters to all leaders
3. Presentation with impacts
4. PLP Presentation
5. Breakthrough Leadership Project Group team buliding and make a high performing team
6. YLI Product Innovation Competition
7. BLP session
8. How young leaders can make a difference
9. Leaders develop leaders
10. Providing and receiving feedback
11. Influencing others
12. Next steps


Ivan Hadinata Rimbualam